The Damti method

An intuitive methodology bridging
personal and cultural divides
through dance and movement

The Damti method

An intuitive methodology bridging
personal and cultural divides
through dance and movement

The DAMTI Method is an intuitive methodology bridging personal and cultural divides through dance and movement, nurturing individuals to discover their inner light, creating a world where “everything is possible”.

The Damti Method was created by Jill and Amnon Damti, an Israeli dance duo, hearing and deaf respectively, who have delivered unique, interactive performances and workshops all over the world, sharing and promoting The Damti Method philosophy of inclusion and acceptance.

The Damti Method is conducted through workshops, which contain 10 (or as agreed) days of activities, and a closing showcase for family and friends. The structure of each day includes several daily activities, while maintaining flexibility to adjust, as needed.

Evolving of the Damti Method

U.S.:  Between 2017-2019  the creators and performers of “Two Worlds”, Jill and Amnon Damti, were invited with their “Two Worlds” performance to be artists-in-residence at the “O.C. Music & Dance Center” in Orange County, California.  During this time, while giving workshops, the idea of documenting their unique work was conceived and thus the Damti Method was born.

Israel:  in the beginning of 2020, supported by private financing, they conducted a workshop of 10 sessions, combining children on the autistic spectrum together with normative children. It took place through the Menashe Regional Council.

Damti Method – Philosophy, Values and Guide Stones

The Damti Method philosophy introduces an important set of life tools which are integrated into our workshops and everyday conduct. Naming just a few: Inclusion, acceptance, passion, intuition, respect and self-respect, building trust, leading by example, treating everyone equally.

Testimonials and “Moments of Light”

(short anecdotes and moving moments of actual participants discovering and expressing their internal selves.)

The Damti Method Book, which includes the philosophy, values, curriculum and testimonials, has been written in English and Hebrew – “The Damti Method”.


Jill and Amnon Damti look forward to expanding further partnerships, be it with schools and institutes seeking such cooperation, or be it with financial partners (private or otherwise) supporting their noble cause.

Certified Damti Method facilitators

 people from all walks of life, who are interested in becoming certified Damti Method facilitators, can intern with Jill and Amnon for a period of time, working side by side in actual workshops.